Digital Signature at ORF
Thank you for using digital signatures at the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF! On this website you can find instructions how to sign a document digitally for ORF by using an advanced or qualified electronic signature. Which type of signature has to be used is already defined in advance by the originator when sending a signature workflow to you.
If you are given the opportunity to nominate further persons to sign the document by the originator, you can find instructions under “Optional Additional Signatures”.
If you have any further questions, please contact us!
Regarding the contents of a document, please contact the originator of the document listed in the e-mail containing the link to the signature workflow.
The ORF Helpline is available by phone at +43 1 87878 14040 or by e-mail at 24/7 for any technical problems.
Concerning protection of data privacy please contact the data security officer at You can also find further information at Data Privacy Statement for Digital Signatures at ORF.